Intelligence in steel

Intelligence in steel

Intelligence in steel

Intelligence in steel
VESAM Project Tracking
- Planning follow-up online
- Follow-up of the execution of manufacturing and assembly operations
- Quick access to all quality documents
- Free to VESAM customers
At VESAM, we are aware of the requirements of the sector industrial, ranging from the safety of people,
strict compliance with deadlines and certification
of processes. Our methods add value in these three domains and are the result of 15 years continuous improvement.
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Over 15 years, VESAM developed a methodology for engineering, manufacturing and assembly of metal buildings focused on the deadline.
Our manufacturing capacity allows the execution of the construction in several phases simultaneously, significantly accelerating the entire prefabrication process.
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With more than 100 bridges installed in different geographies, VESAM has remarkable experience and the ability to intervene even in the most remote locations. We use Adaptive Engineering to scale and design bridges for the most difficult contexts, facilitating logistics and simplifying assembly. Our bridges are quick to build and cost-effective and therefore widely used in different markets.Know more
The Urban Rehabilitation activity poses important challenges for construction companies, ranging from the architectural interpretation of the existing heritage, through the adaptation of civil engineering solutions, to the execution in confined spaces and with security constraints for people and property.
VESAM consolidated its experience in rehabilitation works in a dedicated business area with a specialized team. We know the challenges of this activity well and we know how to do what the customer needs.
The VESAM Method
In order to deliver a unique service that is distinct from the competition, VESAM deploys a set of methodologies, procedures and technologies.

A VESAM assume a Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (I&D+i) como uma área estratégica para o seu sucesso e afirmação no mercado global. Por este motivo, investe mais de 10% da sua faturação anual em atividades de I&D+i. Publicamos regularmente papers com os resultados das pesquisas.
A global company with presence on 3 continents
VESAM Engenharia S.A.
Zona Industrial Cantanhede, Lote 69, 3060-197 Cantanhede
VESAM Angola
Polo Industrial de Viana Estrada de Catete, km 30 Viana – Angola
20 Ter Rue Schnapper
78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye