Application Of Composite Panels On Steel-Concrete Mixed Bridge Boards
ABSTRACT: This article presents a study on the application of composite panels in mixed steel-concrete bridge decks. It is intended that this new product presents the same advantages as the current structural systems, but also innovative and differentiating characteristics that make it competitive as an alternative to traditional solutions. Particularly noteworthy is the unique simplicity of manufacture, transport and installation on site, and the original incorporation of a network of sensors for monitoring structural integrity. The results obtained in tests show its potential, despite the various difficulties encountered in the development of polymeric material and its application in composite panels.
Paulo Carapitoa, Eduardo Gonçalvesa, João Zeferinoa, Nuno Oliveiraa e Filipe Santosa
aVESAM Engenharia S.A., Zona Industrial de Cantanhede, Lote 69, 3060-197 Cantanhede, Portugal
Paper presented at the XII Congress of Metallic and Mixed Construction, 21-22 November, 2019, Coimbra, Portugal