This article presents the digitization implemented in the rehabilitation of the Titan crane, initially built in 1888 and completely rebuilt in 2021. Initially, after the introduction and historical framework of the Titan, the objectives of the rehabilitation are presented.
Next, the digitization carried out on the mechanical organs and the numerical modeling and detail of the structure are exposed. Subsequently, the manufacturing and assembly processes are presented, followed by the digitization used in them. Finally, the digital structural integrity monitoring system is described.
AUTHORS | Luís Reisª, Alexandre Fonsecaᵇ, Nuno Oliveiraᶜ, João Zeferinoᵈ, Filipe Santosᵉ
ª Mecwide, Rua do Assento, 248, Vila Seca, 4755- 551 Barcelos, Portugal
ᵇ ᶜ ᵈ ᵉ VESAM Engenharia S.A., Zona Industrial de Cantanhede, Lote 69, 3060-197 Cantanhede, Portugal