to Industry
Our methods add value in these three domains and are the result of 15 years continuous improvement. Our methods add value in these three domains and are the result of 15 years continuous improvement. Commitment
to Industry

The industrial sector is fundamental to a country’s economic development and optimizes the population’s standard of living.

At VESAM, we are aware of the demands of the industrial sector, which range from the safety of people, to strict compliance with deadlines and certification of processes. Our methods add value in these three areas and are the result of 15 years of continuous improvement.

This is our commitment to the industry:

It is the pillar of our development and the priority of our work. All of our projects are evaluated to identify risks and we implement the necessary measures to safeguard all teams. We invest in the training of our employees and partners, preparing them for the challenges of this sector.

We understand the impact of downtime costs on the industry and, for that reason,
we built a model with strong production capacity and tools permanent monitoring of the project. We anticipate scenarios and react promptly because the industry cannot stop.

Our quality system is transversal to all the activities that we develop. All VESAM partners comply with the EN ISO 1090 standard and are in permanent contact with us through our digital platform, which allows the tracking and information of all operations.


Because we are aware of the industry’s requirements in terms of safety, process certification and meeting deadlines.

Making projects come true

We interpret and adapt to the needs of our customers to the real work environment through modeling technology virtual BIM.

This technology speeds up the calculation process and detail and allows customers to integrate metal structures in global models of construction.


We use the latest calculation and modeling technologies and
we incorporate in our structural models all natural and accidental phenomena, in order to guarantee the safety of the structures we design.

All structural elements are exhaustively calculated, being checked for conformity according to the most advanced regulations.

We also have the ability to prove the theoretical models in the our own laboratory.


In the VESAM culture, we carefully design all the pieces, for both manufacturing and assembly.

We use the most powerful 3D detail tools and we guarantee the previously defined specifications, producing documents that will allow us to manufacture and assemble what our customers want.

At VESAM, the assembly process begins with detailed planning and a studied assembly sequence, including all aspects of safety. The quality of our on-site work is evidenced by different aspects:
  • Rigorous and methodical implementation;
  • Correct alignment of structures;
  • Touching of the anticorrosive coating;
  • Record of all quality inspections;
Our teams are highly specialized and aware of security aspects. Our method is based on commitment and transparency. At the end of each day, the system produces a report of the work done with photographs.

Assembly and control of your work

Assembly and control of your work

We are committed to honoring the safety of all stakeholders in our projects, from our employees to our partners.
Our methodology promotes accident prevention in any context and encourages the safe execution of all activities, in accordance with best practices and
international benchmarks. We cultivate security to collect satisfaction.

Structural performance follow-up

Our mission goes beyond the completion of the project.

From the moment it enters service, the structural performance of our structures can be followed by a monitoring system entirely designed by VESAM.



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    A global company with a presence on 3 continents

    Zona Industrial Cantanhede, Lote 69, 3060-197 Cantanhede

    +351 231 419 320

    1350 6th Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10019

    +1 646 738 8060

    Polo Industrial de Viana Estrada de Catete, km 30 Viana – Angola
