Monitoring Of Corrosion In Steel Structures

Monitoring Of Corrosion In Steel Structures

Although several strategies already have been tested and proved to be effective to protect the steel of metallic bridges against corrosion, it is not possible to enumerate an universal and adequate solution for all situations. The most suitable protection method must be developed in order to combine simultaneously the cost, the fabrication, the productivity, the performance and the needs of maintenance. Each protection method must be selected considering the expected environmental exposition of the structure during its life time. Moreover, its effectiveness must be always guaranteed since the initial conditions can, and generally, change through time.
The solution for this problem can be the adoption of an advanced monitoring system that can predict the corrosion rate of each metallic structural member during its life time, suggesting the need of maintenance, avoiding regular travels of technicians and equipments and/or the fast deterioration of the structure when the structural inspection culture is absent.
This paper presents a deterioration model for steel corrosion and describes a structural health monitoring (SHM) system that is being developed to implement a new approach in the corrosion monitoring.


AUTHORS:Filipe Santos1, Pedro Santos1, Bruno Jorge1, Jorge Vieira1

1 VESAM Engenharia SA, Zona Industrial de Cantanhede, Lote 69, Cantanhede, Portugal


Paper presented in “II Congresso Luso-Africano de Construção Metálica Sustentável”, July 19, 2013, Maputo, Mozambique (in Portuguese)

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