Structural And Production Management Solutions Adopted In The New Bridge Over Keve River
ABSTRACT: The construction of mixed steel-concrete bridges in African countries it is a huge challenge presenting several difficulties, such as the generalized absence of qualified workman ship, the high cost of local raw materials, the need to import and the reduced execution times. For this reason, VESAM developed new solutions that can help reducing costs accelerating the execution of several construction processes. These solutions incorporate structural modifications, highlighting the use of a steel decking with localized stiffeners to avoid the use of temporary shoring, the splice joints with pre-stressed bolts and the direct inclusion of the guard in the girders with a system to correct the misalignment. Besides these structural solutions, VESAM also developed production management solutions, namely a computer application named of VESAM MERP – Metallic Enterprise Resource Planning, that allows the control of all phases of the life cycle of the structure, in real time, including the project, detailing, fabrication, assembly, structural health monitoring (SHM) and maintenance. This communication presents a structural solution that can avoid the use of temporary shoring during the execution of composite bridge slabs adopting a steel decking and also the use of the application VESAM MERP highlighting its use during the project, planning, fabrication and assembly processes.
Tiago Novo1, Pedro Santos2, Filipe Santos2
1 Grupo ELEVO, Rua Garcia Neto, 67, Bairro de São Paulo, Luanda, Angola 2 VESAM Angola, Polo Industrial de Viana, Estrada de Catete, km 30, Viana, Angola
Paper presented in “III Congresso Luso-Africano de Construção Metálica Sustentável”, 20-21 November, 2014, Luanda, Angola (in Portuguese)