VESAM will present a proposal for the Muxima Sanctuary in Angola

VESAM will present a proposal for the Muxima Sanctuary in Angola

After months of preparation, Vesam’s solution will soon be presented to the construction consortium.


The Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora da Muxima, 150 km from Luanda, on the banks of the Quanza River, is part of a large project that includes road infrastructure, sanitation, housing, car parks, among others.

The ambitious project launched by the Government of Angola aims to address the large number of devotees who seek this pilgrimage destination every year.

The Sanctuary is a work of bold architecture that poses some challenges to structural engineering. Vesam was one of the companies within a very restricted group invited to submit a proposal, and has been developing its own solution over the last few months.

With more than 4,000 tons of steel, this project will certainly be a reference for metallic construction in Angola for the coming years.

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