Management Of The Production Of Metal Structures: Computer Application – “Merp”

Management Of The Production Of Metal Structures: Computer Application – “Merp”

Most software for the management of the production of metallic
structures has its field of action limited to work in the factory, not allowing for
the monitoring of subcontractors – in the other words, execution done “out of
doors”. The vast expertise necessary to manufacture a steel structure and the increase
of distance between factory and site, force companies to use management
and communication platforms, allowing that a part of the metal structure
is fully controlled across all processes, thus ensuring its image in real time, with
obvious benefits for contractors and owners. From procurement to assembly, all
processes are planned and monitored, in terms of deadlines and cost. This paper
describes a tool developed along these principles, effectively implementing the
new European regulations introduced by EN1090 with respect to traceability,
ensuring an effective quality control. The presented work further describes how
this platform was developed and how it manages information.


Filipe Santos 1, Luis Simões da Silva2

1 VESAM Engenharia SA, Zona Industrial de Cantanhede, Lote 69, Cantanhede, Portugal
2 ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra, Rua Luis Reis Santos, Coimbra, Portugal 


Paper presented and published in the proceedings of the International Conference “Design, Fabrication and Economy of Metal Structures”, April 24-26, 2014, Miskolc, Hungary

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